Public transport
Białka Tatrzańska can be reached also with a public transport from Kraków. The bus line Kraków-Bukowina Tatrzańska-Kraków is operated by the Szwagropol company.Below you may find departure time of particular bus lines.
Timetable up-to-date December 2nd, 2016.
Details of the route on the website:
Kraków - Białka Tatrzańska
Place of departure: Kraków MDA
Departure times:
- 7:00
- 10:40
- 13:55
- 18:00
- 20:40
Buses run 7 days a week according to the same timetable. Buses do not run on the first day of Christmas (December 25th) and on the first day of the Easter holidays.
Białka Tatrzańska - Kraków
Place of departure: Białka Tatrzańska Środkowa
Departure times:
- 7:05
- 8:15
- 10:35
- 14:50
- 17:25
Buses run 7 days a week according to the same timetable. Buses do not run on the first day of Christmas (December 25th) and on the first day of the Easter holidays.